Basement, Attic Mold Remediation “Removal” Cost
Cost for mold remediation can vary anywhere from a few hundred dollars to several thousand depending on the amount of mold and if it needs to be physically removed “for example drywall that typically needs to be removed or a hard surface that can be simply cleaned and treated.” For example in an attic as long as the structural integrity of the wood is sound most all mold can be removed safely and effectively affording the customer a 15yr and up to a lifetime warranty. Basements are a primary concern in Western New York and Pennsylvania due to the inclement weather and the typical age of a foundation including improper water runoff from the foundation allowing hydrostatic pressure against the foundation walls. Not all homes that appear to have mold actually have mold. Most often we will discover that where the customer feels they are seeing discoloration or mold may simply be alkaline salts that are relatively harmless or some other discoloration not mold related.
We here at Ahold of Mold Environmental have been practicing ethical and modestly for 24 years and counting, our rating with the Better Business Bureau is a A+ with no filed complaints. We will continue to serve the area with the utmost respect to our clients giving them honest answers and continuing to uphold our reputation for years to come.
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