Is Humidity Enough to Trigger Mold Formation?
The arrival of the warmer summer months can mean a lot of outdoor fun—barbecues, hitting the beach or just lounging by the pool are all some of the activities we can enjoy when the mercury starts ticking upwards. However, life indoors in the summertime can present some challenges thanks to the humidity that summer often brings. Mold tends to thrive in moist environments, so this makes it a real possibility during summertime.
The question is, is humidity itself enough to make mold form in damp areas of your home? Unfortunately, it can. Fortunately, New York State certified mold remediation contractors in Erie County can help locate and mitigate this mold before it becomes a more serious problem.
Where can mold fester?
You’ve probably noticed by now that mold tends to develop in moist environments around your home. For example, it’s much more likely to appear in the basement, bathroom or kitchen than anywhere else because these are the places where water is most often used (or where it finds its way out of your plumbing and into your living space).
Working with a company like Ahold of Mold Environmental is a great way to evaluate exactly where your problem spots are and, perhaps even more importantly, where they could be. We look everywhere for signs of water intrusion in your home. If, for example, you have a basement that tends to take on water, our New York State certified mold remediation contractors in Erie County are likely to flag that as a problem area to address.
What conditions can cause mold?
Mold is caused by the appropriate conditions—it’s a living organism, so it basically just needs food and the right temperature to grow and spread. There are many different types of mold, and it can grow on just about any organic surface—it simply eats or digests whatever material it’s currently growing on. This means it can cause serious damage to things like furniture if it’s left unchecked, especially during the humid months when it can thrive. Again, moisture is going to be your worst enemy here, so you want to make sure you’re minimizing the amount of water that gets into your home, including humidity. This is something mold remediation specialists are trained to help with.
How can mold be prevented?
If you ask any New York State certified mold remediation contractor in Erie County about the best way to prevent mold, they’ll likely say that controlling humidity and moisture in your home is the approach most likely to make a difference. Air conditioning actually plays a crucial role here. Many people aren’t aware that air conditioning was invented as a moisture control device first and foremost—the cooling effect was just a pleasant surprise. So, running your air conditioning and regularly checking for dampness in your home are great first steps to avoid having a mold problem develop in your space.
While many of us associate mold with being a nuisance that can ruin a loaf of bread, there are types that can be quite dangerous if they’re inhaled, especially if someone in your home already has respiratory challenges. Don’t delay in giving Ahold of Mold Environmental a call if you think mold might be creeping into your home—we can stamp it out ASAP!
Categorised in: Mold Prevention