How to Protect Your Family from Exposure to Asbestos
Asbestos is a very dangerous material, but there are still lots of structures that were built with asbestos, and it’s important to be aware of potential exposure risks. Homes constructed prior to 1980 were frequently built with asbestos materials in flooring and ceilings. When asbestos is disturbed, such as during renovation projects, it can contaminate the air and lead to all kinds of serious health risks for people who are exposed to the material.
If your home was built before 1980 and you’re concerned it might have asbestos in the flooring or ceilings, keep reading to learn about how asbestos removal and remediation can protect your family from exposure.
Asbestos basics
The good news for homeowners who are concerned about the presence of asbestos is that asbestos doesn’t typically pose a threat unless it’s exposed or disturbed. Most homeowners don’t have to worry about asbestos removal unless they’re planning a home remodeling or renovation project during which the material might be disturbed and exposed. However, some homeowners choose to remove asbestos proactively so they don’t have to worry about the risk of exposure later on. Whether you’re planning a remodeling project or you simply want to remove asbestos to be on the safe side, it’s important to take a cautious approach to the process.
Identifying asbestos
Many homeowners who have older homes might be concerned about the presence of asbestos even if they aren’t positive it’s present. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to identify asbestos with a visual inspection. In some cases, asbestos materials are labeled, making it easier to identify them, but homeowners typically won’t have this kind of cue to alert them to the presence of asbestos.
The best way to identify asbestos is to invest in asbestos testing services from an air quality professional. An air quality expert will use sophisticated testing equipment to check for the presence of asbestos and identify sources of asbestos in a home. This can provide homeowners with the information they need for asbestos removal prior to a home improvement project.
How to deal with asbestos in the home
If you have asbestos in your home, there are a few important pieces of advice to keep in mind. First, leave asbestos undisturbed if possible. Since asbestos doesn’t pose a risk when it’s undisturbed, the easiest way to avoid asbestos exposure is to simply leave it alone. If you have to disturb asbestos as part of a remodeling project, contact an asbestos remediation professional for help with removal. A professional can develop a plan to remove asbestos safely and make sure any potentially harmful sources of asbestos exposure are addressed before a renovation project.
Asbestos removal
For professional asbestos removal and air testing, reach out to Ahold of Mold Environmental. We offer professional asbestos testing services to help homeowners identify the presence of asbestos in building materials. Once we’ve conducted our inspection, our team will provide a remediation plan to help homeowners proceed with asbestos removal and make sure their households are protected from exposure. Give us a call today to find out more about what we have to offer.
Categorised in: Asbestos