Whether you’re a homeowner or simply starting to browse the market, it’s always important to keep an eye out for potential issues with mold and moisture. If left unchecked, mold can be hazardous to your health and potentially wreak havoc on the structure of a building. Therefore, it’s important as a home buyer to make sure you get a home mold inspection in Erie County as part of the inspection process before you move forward with the purchase. Here’s an overview of what you should know. Why mold inspections are important As noted above, certain types of mold can be... View Article
Do you know what asbestos is, and what happens when you’re exposed to the substance? Depending on when your home was built, it may use asbestos as insulation or a building material. Unfortunately, asbestos can provide serious risks to your health. Here’s what you need to know about asbestos exposure in Erie, PA. What is asbestos? Asbestos is a flexible mineral fiber that’s resistant to electricity, heat and chemicals. It sounds ideal, but there’s a reason it’s now banned. Asbestos was used for years in manufacturing textiles, automotive parts and construction materials like insulation. For example, your vinyl tiles, siding,... View Article
Preventing mold growth in your home is a year-round task—which might surprise you, if you’re new to the snow or have always assumed that the cold will prevent mold from forming. Unfortunately, as long as your home is warmer indoors than out, that additional moisture from the snow can foster mold, too. Mold survives at much lower temperatures than you might expect. Here’s how it happens, and how to prevent mold growth in the winter in Erie County. How mold grows in the winter Mold needs moisture and a food source to grow. When your home’s warm indoor air meets... View Article
Frequent causes of water damage include roof breaches, burst pipes, damaged water heaters and even overflowing sinks and tubs. It can lead to mold growth and threaten the structural integrity of your home. Local water damage repairs in Erie County are often immense in their scope, but you can reduce the time and expense of addressing them if you detect water damage early. Here are five sure signs of water damage to act on immediately: Discoloration: Most homeowners notice water damage when there are stains on ceilings and walls. These spots usually are copper, yellow or brown, or there may... View Article
Stopping mold goes beyond scrubbing surfaces with bleach and hoping it works. Controlling mold is challenging for even the most experienced mold inspection and remediation experts in Erie County because mold grows anywhere and frequently returns. You do not want to make mold removal a time-consuming DIY project only to find your family members suffer illness again. Here are five reasons to leave mold remediation to the professionals: Finding the source: Many homeowners try tackle a mold problem by cleaning the areas where they see it. However, the mold you see is often not located at its source. Common sources... View Article